Step One: Read the Entire Passage Out Loud 10 Times.
- Find a place where you can concentrate (no TV, radio, stereo or iPod).
- Look up the passage in the Bible version you want to memorize. Have the printed passage in front of you with the reference.
- Saying the reference first, in a slow, normal voice, read the passage out loud ten times. Read slowly enough to see it, say it, hear it and think it. This will get the sound of the verse in your ear and on your tongue. And it will help you begin to see the passage in your mind.
- Believe it or not, every time you read a passage in this way, your brain is automatically starting to memorize it. If you do this step well, you will avoid other mistakes later in the process.
Step Two: Say the Reference 3 Times.
- Next, read the reference once more while looking at it.
- Then close your eyes and try to say it three times slowly.
- If you have trouble, look at the reference again, read it out loud, and then try saying it again three times with your eyes closed.
Step Three: Say the Reference and First Phrase 3 Times.
- Now read the reference and the first shortest phrase of the passage.
- Remember to read it slowly enough to see it, say it, hear it and think it.
- Then close your eyes and try saying the reference and the first phrase three times.
Step Four: Add Each Phrase and Say it 3 Times.
- Continue adding one phrase at a time until you complete the passage.
- Remember to look at the printed passage each time you add a phrase, reading everything slowly from the beginning.
- Then say everything from the reference to the new phrase three times.
- If you have trouble at any point, back up and repeat the previous step, and then try adding the new phrase again.
Step Five: Say the Entire Passage Perfectly 3 Times.
- Read the entire passage one more time saying the reference first.
- Then try to say all of it perfectly three times.
- Again, if you have trouble at any point, back up and repeat the previous step, and then try adding the final phrase again until you can say everything.
For a more complete Bible memory method see “Mr. Danish’s Ten Step Bible Memory Method for Life.” You can print out a copy from the ICS website at Click on Bonus Verse under Student Life.