Since its founding in 1976, Immanuel Christian School continues to combine academic excellence with a nurturing, Christ-centered environment. Immanuel Christian School challenges and equips students to succeed by offering a stimulating curriculum, extracurricular activities and competitive athletic programs that prepares students for the challenges beyond ICS.
Elementary Program
The elementary years represent an explosion in cognitive growth, increased social awareness and empathy. Immanuel Christian School teachers design creative lessons to encourage students to develop reading and writing fluency and critical thinking skills while promoting greater independence in accomplishing academic tasks.
Creativity, self-expression and camaraderie are all supported through the hands-on curriculum extensions that enhance classroom instruction and meet the needs of diverse learning styles. A biblical worldview is integrated throughout the curriculum and students participate in ongoing class service projects.
Learn more about Immanuel Christian School
Interested in learning more about Immanuel Christian School and their Elementary program? Please give the Admissions Office a call at (703) 941-1220 or contact ICS through email for more information! If you are interested in applying today, click here!
[tab title=’Third Grade’]
- Class Activities
- Native American Festival
- Moving West Play
- Field Trips
- Native American Museum in Washington D.C.
- National Colonial Farm
- Green Meadows Native American Trip
- Theatreworks USA
- Reading List
- Next Spring an Oriole by Gloria Whelan
- The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner
- Squanto, Friend to the Pilgrims by Clyde Robert Bulla
- The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh
- Eagle Feather by Clyde Robert Bulla
- Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Memory Verses
- Elementary Choir
- Chess Club
[tab title=’Fourth Grade’]
- Class Activities
- Colonial Luncheon
- Missing Parts of Speech Play
- Relief map of Virginia
- Field Trips
- Theatreworks USA
- Mount Vernon
- Gadsby’s Tavern
- Reading List
- A Lion to Guard Us by Clyde Robert Bulla
- Virginia Bound by Amy Butler
- Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patrician MacLachlan
- Skylark by Patricia MacLachlan
- Trouble River by Betsy Byars
- Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
- Memory Verses
- Elementary Chorus
- Chess Club
[tab title=’Fifth Grade’]
- Class Activities
- Greek Myth Puppet Play
- Egyptian Artifact Museum
- Jerusalem Model
- Julius Caesar Play
- Patrols
- Field Trips
- Theatreworks USA
- Shakespeare workshop
- National Art Gallery
- National History Museum
- Reading List
- The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis
- The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L Konigsburg
- The Runaway by Patricia St. John
- The Iiad excerpts and assorted Greek myths
- The Pushcart Wars by Jean Merrill
- Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
- Memory Verses
- Elementary Chorus
- Chess Club
- Junior Varsity Sports