Vacation Station books are no longer available for 2024. Check back next spring!
ICS is pleased to offer an optional summer academic review resource for rising 1st – 6th grade students.
Vacation Stations is a ten-week program that provides a systematic review of reading, math, and language arts. In about ten to fifteen minutes a day, students can sharpen their academic skills and prepare for the next grade by doing just two pages a day. Parents have an easy way to help their children do meaningful, grade-appropriate practice as they keep their brains sharp and ready for the academic challenges of the next grade level. And, students who participate in Vacation Stations over the summer will have an opportunity for an end-of-summer / back-to-school bonus recess and ice cream party to celebrate their hard work!
If you are interested in Vacation Stations, you can order a book for your child ($20) below. Ordering deadline is Friday, April 26th. Books will be delivered to your child’s homeroom on the last week of school. New ICS students who want to participate in the summer review may also order a book. Books will be available for pick up along with required summer reading books in reception during summer office hours, Tuesday-Thursday from 9:00AM-3:00PM.