NOUN | so·cial in·tel·li·gence
the capacity to effectively navigate and negotiate complex social relationships and environments
synonyms: acumen, agility, brilliance, intellect, judgment, perception, quickness, savvy
In Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success, Karl Albrecht goes to great lengths to describe the various skills and phenomena involved in social intelligence. Albrecht uses the acronym of SPACE to describe the various components of social intelligence: situational awareness, presence, authenticity, clarity and empathy.
Social intelligence is important because relationships matter. God designed humans to live in relationship with Him and with others. We know all too well that adolescents place high priority on the social interaction with peers. Only the student who is equipped with wisdom and discernment will be able to navigate the complex social dynamics with success. This grounding comes from the understanding that wisdom is tied to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1). Likewise, the early chapters of Proverbs present the importance of developing a wise and discerning heart to avoid being derailed through foolish action (Proverbs 1-4).
We want to give our students opportunities—both through knowledge and guided experiential learning—to follow wise teachers, to be surrounded by godly mentors, and to develop godly discernment and wisdom. The application of these character traits, many that are found in Scripture, will allow students to navigate complex social and emotional situations with the situational awareness necessary for success.
Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV84)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.