Foreign Language @ Immanuel Christian School

In the global world we live in, foreign language is part of a well-rounded educational experience. Immanuel currently offers experiential Spanish education in kindergarten through fourth grade. Next year, we will be expanding and offering an exciting new language opportunity for our middle school students.

Our foreign language goal for middle school students at Immanuel Christian School…
In 5th and 6th grade, students will spend a quarter exploring each of these four world languages: Chinese, Latin, French, and German. Students will have weekly classes taught by a teacher whose goal will be to expose them to the five important aspects of foreign language: communication, culture, connections, comparisons and community. This introduction to world languages will help students make a knowledgeable selection for 7th and 8th grade from one of the five languages: Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Chinese.

At the end of sixth grade, students with an A average in English, who have demonstrated organizational skills and maturity in time management, and have receive a favorable teacher recommendation, will be able to enroll in a full year credit of the language of their choice in 7th grade. For 7th graders who need more time to develop organizational and time management skills an Academic Extension class (focused study hall) will be offered during this time. At the end of seventh grade, students with a strong A or B average in English and who have demonstrated organizational skills and maturity in time management will be able to enroll in a full year credit of the language of their choice. Those students who have completed one full year of a World Language in 7th grade may continue to level 2 of the same World Language or go into another level 1 World Language.

ICS has partnered with Sevenstar Online Academy to provide qualified 7th graders and 8th graders the opportunity to take Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Chinese for high school credit through our language lab. At the end of Middle School at ICS, qualified students could enter high school with one or two world language credits on their high school transcripts.


5th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

6th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

7th Grade – Level 1 World Language (for HS credit when 90% or higher on final exam??) Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Chinese.

8th Grade – Level 2 same World Language (Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Chinese)


5th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

6th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

7th Grade – Level 1 World Language (for HS credit when 90% or higher on final exam??) Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Chinese.

8th Grade – Level 1 of different World Language (Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Chinese)


5th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

6th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

7th Grade – Academic Extension class (focused study hall)

8th Grade – Level 1 World Language Spanish, French, German, Latin, or Chinese.


5th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

6th grade – 1 World Language per quarter (Chinese, Latin, French, and German)

7th Grade – Academic Extension class (focused study hall)

8th Grade – Academic Extension class (focused study hall)

To find out more about our middle school program click here.