What are YOU thankful for?

Immanuel Christian School’s Character-In-Action week of service was over a month ago, but our students are continuing to learn about the importance of service during homeroom devotions. 20131120_095404This week, students reflected upon thankfulness – what does it mean to be thankful? What does having a heart of thankfulness look like? How can you express gratitude? As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, it is a good reminder for all of us to take stock of what matters. Expressing gratitude can motivate us to serve with a joyful heart, as we know God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9). Our students have much to be thankful for! Highlights (some indeed quite humorous) are:


“Vedrins: Airfors, Navy, Army, Cost Gard, Marens”
(Translation: “Veterans: Air Force, Navy, Army, Coast Guard, Marines”)
“Family and friends”
“Legos and my fish”
“Mi mom and dad” (“My”)
“Food (steak)”
“Family, pasta, and God”
“ICS, bacon, and doughnuts”

20131120_095309Be sure to check out our two Thankful Trees (downstairs – outside the Main Office; upstairs – outside the 7B classroom) next time you come to ICS!

What are YOU thankful for this season?

You can read more about the ICS Character-In-Action program and sponsor a student or teacher for Serve-A-Thon by clicking here.

Post by Lauren Umble, Communications Coordinator